Flutter vs React Native- Which is better?

flutter vs react native-which is better?

Flutter vs React Native-Which is better? : Both are absolutely amazing for mobile development, but many programmers still have a doubt that which one is better than the other and why. Now , I will be selecting 9 criteria and give you a brief comparison between the two but don't think that I am promoting one over the other, these are just the views that I got from my experiance and some research over the Internet. So, let's get right into it:

1. release date 

 Release dates matters a lot if you are comparing the two. React Native came into market in 2015 and  Flutter came in 2017. There's not much gap between the release dates but still react native has a larger community as compared to flutter and many companies are already implementing it.(Flutter vs React Native- Which is better?) . So, React native has an upper hand over flutter in this criteria.

2. Components

In react native you get only a handful of components and you have to rely on third party for more components. but, in flutter you get tons of components and thus most of the time you don't have to rely on third party. So, flutter wins this round .

3. Language

In flutter , we use Dart language while in react native we use javascript. But, the javascript community is very huge as compared to dart. Secondly, most people are comfortable with javascript than dart thus migrating to mobile apps using javascript is much more easier than learning dart.
Again, I,m not saying that javascript , dart is also an amazing language and many people finds it more comfortable than javascript but it's just that javscript(aka react native) has larger community thus it wins this round.

4. Documentation

(Flutter vs react Native- Which is better?) The documentation you get in Flutter is just amazing but in case of  react native according to me it's not so amazing and most of the time you have to rely on third party for documentation. So, according to this criteria flutter wins from react native.

5. Native look of App

In case of flutter , you get things a bit materialistic but in case of react native it automatically adjusts itself to both IOS and Android and you don't have to code much either. Hence, this round is won by react native.

6. Community

No doubt, javascript(react native) has larger community than dart(flutter) but dart's community is also increasing since 2017 but currently javascript has larger community . The winner of this round is react native.

7. Industry Adoptation

The winner of this round will be the one whose release date is earlier than other aka React native because flutter has newly arrived and many industries are coming up with it but at the same time many companies are already implementing react native(Flutter vs React Native- Which is better?) .

8. State Management

Both are fully compatible and flexible enough to make sure that they can handle any kind of state
management but recently react native's state management is gaining a lot of attraction and praise in the community and same goes for flutter also. but both works differently like flutter promotes block pattern which is business logic component but you have you go through a lot of code to learn the bloc pattern, and same goes for react native. So, no one wins this round because each of them has there own drawbacks in state management.

9. Which one do you like the most

Yes, this is the most important criteria of all because regardless of all the criteria's I have mentioned above , the most important thing is which one do you love the most.
Please tell me in the comment section below, which one do you think is better and who is the winner

(Flutter vs React Native- Which is better?).

Have a nice day!!
Happy coding;



  1. your blog post having lots information about react native and flutter. React Native VS Flutter Debate is going viral day by day. both plate forms is cross plate forms but at this time react native has much community to flutter. butt has also going famous day by day. but your blog post providing me so much information which I have needed.

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  3. Great content!
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