Why Python is the most demanding language ?

Why Python is the most  demanding  language ?

Python is a general purpose , high-level language. It was designed by sir Guido van Rossum in 1991 but it was developed by Python Software Foundation.
The basic concept for developing this language was to reduce code readability, because in earlier languages like C,C++, JAVA the programmer had to write a 5-9 lines of code just to print a message on the screen. But with python programmers can print a message just by writing one line. This was one reason because of which Python became popular among programmers all over the world.
Python is a language that lets you work on integrated systems more efficiently.

There are 2 major versions of python-
Python 2
Python 3
One needs to install a python interpreter before he/she can start working on python. There are several online interpreters available in the internet for free like:-
If you are a windows user then there are many interpreters available for free to run python scripts like IDE's (Integrated Development Environment) which you can install when you install python software from  http://python.org/.

If you are a Linux user , then you don't have to install python because python comes bundled with the Linux.

10 Important Uses of Python

Applications:  Python can be used to develop different applications like web development, graphic user interface based application, software development applications, scientific and numeric application, network programming, Games and 3D applications and other business applications. The application of python is so vast that a programmer can develop whatever on python .

Multiple Programming paradigms: Python supports multiple programming paradigms such as Object Oriented Programming ,Structured Programming ,Dynamic Programming. Python features and programming paradigms allow developers to develop small as well as large applications. Python can also be used to develop a complex application.

Robust Standard Library: Python has a very large and robust library that one can develop any application using these libraries. It is one of the reasons because of which most  developers are attracted towards python. Python libraries helps in using the different range of modules available for python. To get more information about python modules , documentations on python libraries can be referred. 
Why Python is the most  demanding  language ?

Compatibility : Python is compatible on many platforms because of which it is mainly used for    
developing applications. As python is a high-level language it allows you to run it on almost every system. The new and modified code can be executed without recompiling and its impact can be monitored or checked. This feature helps in saving the development time of the developers.

Access to Databases: Python enables access to various different databases like MySQL, ORACLE, Microsoft SQL servers, MongoDB . It has object daabases like Durus  and ZOD.

Code Readability: Python code is very easy to understand and write. It has a very simple syntax and consumes lesser time in writing code than other programming languages. It helps in building custom applications and clean code helps in maintaining and updatinf the software applications without putting extra effort on same code.

Why Python is the most  demanding  language ?

Open Source Frameworks and Tools: Python has a vast variety of Frameworks, libraries, and Tools which are available for free . Python frameworks enables user to process faster and  perform the operations which a normal application cannot perform . Some of the major python frameworks used all over the world are Django, Flask, Pyramid etc.

Adopt Test Driven Development: Testing of code is much easier in python than other programming languages because it follows Test Driven Development approach. Whenever the code development starts, the written test cases can start testing the code simultaneously and provide the result. Other Applications : Python is mainly used for web scraping, scripting, artificial intelligence, data analysis, machine learning, face detection, colour detection, 3D CAD application, console-based applications, enterprise applications,


Python is the first choice of developers because it provides an increase in Productivity. It is open source and can be freely distributed. It has great learning curves as it supports functional and programming languages.

Top sites to learn Python for Free:-

5.Pyhton course by CodeAcademy:- https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python

On YouTube also Python tutorials are available for free to learn , some of my personal favorites are:-

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